Tuesday, June 29, 2004

My Dad's 60th Birthday. Now it's fair enough for me to call him Old Man Heath. By the way, if you're in the Woodham area look out for the Prince of Whales pub. The best food in all the lands. I've never wanted to fill myself up so much and be ready for more. I finished my Cod, chips and mushy peas up with a Spotted Dick. The best birthday ever.

Monday, June 28, 2004

On the way out of town there was an accident. A truck took out the local powerlines down one of the country roads, ripping the pole in half. This is why you should take your camera everywhere you go.

Saturday, June 26, 2004

I'm a big fan of cloud photography.

I must apoligise for not updating for a while, but it's been a bit slow on the photoblogging scene. I've been a little busy worrying myself silly over a new job I want to get.

The summer arrived and went in England.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

A whole load of flat-packed boxes arrived today in preparation for us to begin packing our stuff up.

I came downstairs this morning to find the boxes lining the hall. The move is finally in motion and my mum and her friend are attacking the house with much feroscity.

Now that I have more time to do things I've started writing again and damn am I writing better than I ever had, much more backstory and better description. I'm very happy with how a rewrite is going of my favourite story that I wrote for coursework last year. I've changed a lot of details to make it more original and new ideas and connection with new plots are coming forward. It's great.

The move is going to be amazing, the village we're moving to is right next to the sea and the views are truly dreamy.

Friday, June 04, 2004

G-Mail account to be won!

Best self-portrait wins a G-Mail account.

I have one G-Mail invitation left and I thought it would be a good idea if I used it wiself. G-Mail offers you 1GB of free storage space, 10MB attachments and the power of the Google search engine put to good use within your 1GB of storage. Your emails will not appear on the main Google search-engine and your privacy is fully secured. If you would like to win one of these accounts then please add a link toyour best, most creative self-portrait on the comments of this post. I will then do my best to select a winner from the lot. I'm going to put a limit on it to about 150 comments. Any after that number wont be considered because it would be too much of a mammoth task.

Good luck!

Sitting in Cafe Nero.

We took Ed (pictured here) out for the day to see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkiban. Very enjoyable.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Away till Friday.

I'm spending some time with my girlfriend till Friday so do not expect anything to turn up over the day.

More from the Radiograph Society.

Radiograph Society live broadcast.

Myself and Charlotte enjoyed a performance called the Radiograph Society. We experienced good slap stick, in a street, sat outside a coffee house and with great sound effect fun. A great half hour or so was enjoyed by all. You've got to love those stereotypical English accents.

The last spider photo.

Spider wranglers 2

Spider wranglers 1

Pouncing on a young woman


My name is Kieron Humphries.
I live in Essex, England.
My cat's name is Sox.
I love my girlfriend, Sarah.
My camera is a Fuji Finepix 2800Zoom.
I am pretending to be a writer.
Photography plays quite a big part in my life.

You can email me: kieron [at] gmail [dot] com

This is constructed using a mixture between a Blogger template, Blogspot and Hello from Picasa.
The photolog started on 1st June 2004.
All works on the site are covered under a Creative Commons license.

I also have a gallery of my work at DeviantArt.
I am the founder of B.com.

Roman doodles tanks

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

After my girlfriend, these are my second love.

Shelob aint got jack over this bitch.

The spider rises from its pit.